aachen convention

aachen convention

Description of the company:

aachen convention - a joint initiative of the City of Aachen and aachen tourist service e.v. - is the central service office for planning trade fairs, incentives, conventions and events in Aachen. We not only find suitable event locations for you and reserve hotel rooms for your participants, but also provide assistance with the complete organization.
Aachen is not only an excellent place to study and live, but also an excellent location for conferences. At its heart, the city offers the large Eurogress conference and congress center and a large number of meeting hotels and conference locations. With its 255,000 inhabitants, Aachen is compact and pedestrian-friendly. The city has an international flair thanks to its location close to the Dutch and Belgian borders. The high number of students - almost one in four residents studies at a university - also adds to Aachen's appeal.
Four universities, two Fraunhofer Institutes, 16 research clusters and the headquarters of 581 high-tech companies: The whole of Aachen ticks to the rhythm of science. Nowhere else in Germany are so many research institutions and scientists concentrated in such a small area - every second person in Aachen works in this future-oriented sector and every sixth person employed in research and development in NRW works here.

Convention Bureau

Contact us

aachen tourist service e.v.
Market 45-47
52062 Aachen

0241 / 18029-18

Information on

Number of rooms
Number of meeting rooms
Parking facilities